Thursday, 19 October 2006


Last night we went to play some relaxed pool and have a few drinks, and I was surprised to see girls walking in wearing dresses and superhigh heals (it was a Wednesday night remember!). Then a little later we went for some burgers (I’d already had some veggies for dinner, blacklash from my months overindulgence in Colombian brownies) and all these kids (18 year olds) we walking past in fairy outfits – wings, short shirts, colourful stocking etc and boys in PE kit – 80s style - obviously off to some party. It was just great to be reminded that we’re living in a student town, 12,000 students live here during the uni year to study at South Africa’s oldest Afrikaans university.

Also, if you’re interested, you may want to check out the website for our security estate; Welgevonden. It has some great photos, including a whole page showcasing the electric and barb wire fenced security.

Stellenbosch tree lined streets

The Stellenbosch University

The Cape Dutch housing

I'll post some more photos of Welgevonden (our home) tomorrow.

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