Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Crows Nest Shire

As most of you know I’ve settled down in the studio at Bunnyconnellen while I fulfil my new contract (creating a Carbon Footprint program) at the local Crows Nest Shire Council.

My little house on the prairie

I’m trying to make the most of every day on the property as I know in time I’ll inevitably end up in Brisbane. So I treasure waking up early each morning to the sound of birds squawking (unfortunately they don’t sing) and the sun rising over the olive trees where getting out of bed on foggy mornings is easy because I know there is a hungry horse and excitable dog waiting for me.

For those who haven't visited me yet 'down on the farm' I've included some photos of the local sites to give you a feel of the region - hopefully whet your appetite for a road trip to the country. (All the photos were finalists in the CNS Photo Competition).

1 comment:

Barry said...

Absolutely stunning pics darling, of course it helps that Bunny C has such inherent charms - and that the pub in Crows Nest serves lukewarm ale at, well just the right temperature. It says here that little known inhabitants of the shire include pretty blonde things that skwak with a grace hitherto unheard of and honest Pete - whatever that is. S. Good to see - I'll be making my trek to the big smoke presently. Ciao Bella