After six years of licensed driving I finally have my own car. Problem is I’m too scared to touch it. At the moment it’s at home sitting in the driveway.
You see I had plans to buy a Hyundai Getz like Sammie’s however one weekend Dad cunningly drove me past the Suzuki dealership and since we had no other plans we took the new release SX4 for a test drive. We speed down the range though I was more distracted by all the blocks of land for sale than the car’s attributes.
The following Saturday I again found myself at the Suzuki Dealership. I had fallen for all the corny brochures and movies:
I wanted another look but found that I had no eye for cars, I couldn’t even tell the models apart and couldn’t grasp what Dad was going on about with Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, Trim etc. Finally, as we stood behind a line up of Swifts and SX4s Dad pointed out the aerials which I had completely missed (too busy comparing colours). Straight away I took a dislike to the thick black antennae sticking up in the middle of the roof - very un chic – it looked like a Warthog, actually rather like Pumba from the Lion King. “Pumba!” I exclaimed.
“What?” Dad replied with furrowed brow.
Now I knew that the first rule of farming is DO NOT name the animals that later in the season you’ll be sending to the abattoir. But it was too late. I had named the SX4 - Pumba, and from that moment I was going to have to find a way to take it home.
You see I had plans to buy a Hyundai Getz like Sammie’s however one weekend Dad cunningly drove me past the Suzuki dealership and since we had no other plans we took the new release SX4 for a test drive. We speed down the range though I was more distracted by all the blocks of land for sale than the car’s attributes.
The following Saturday I again found myself at the Suzuki Dealership. I had fallen for all the corny brochures and movies:
I wanted another look but found that I had no eye for cars, I couldn’t even tell the models apart and couldn’t grasp what Dad was going on about with Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, Trim etc. Finally, as we stood behind a line up of Swifts and SX4s Dad pointed out the aerials which I had completely missed (too busy comparing colours). Straight away I took a dislike to the thick black antennae sticking up in the middle of the roof - very un chic – it looked like a Warthog, actually rather like Pumba from the Lion King. “Pumba!” I exclaimed.
“What?” Dad replied with furrowed brow.
Now I knew that the first rule of farming is DO NOT name the animals that later in the season you’ll be sending to the abattoir. But it was too late. I had named the SX4 - Pumba, and from that moment I was going to have to find a way to take it home.
...and they even threw in a free jumpsuit.
Such an exciting moment; even the camera man's hands are shaking